Timing in seconds for MbCO + 3830 water molecules (14026 atoms), 1000 steps 12-14 A shift on HP/735 stack using FDDI.

Nodes             1          2         4          8

E ext 9278.0 4550.4 2253.2 1124.8 E int 103.9 72.7 51.8 38.9 Wait 0.0 49.3 29.9 21.8 Comm 0.1 89.3 179.8 389.1 List 1081.4 552.5 279.7 140.7 Integ 83.7 40.8 18.7 10.0 Total 10546.5 5354.9 2813.2 1725.1 Total(hours) 2.93 1.49 0.78 0.48 Eff 100.0% 98.5% 93.7% 76.4% Speedup 1.0 2.0 3.7 6.1

E ext : External energy terms (electrostatics + Lenard-Jones) E int : Internal energy terms (bond, angle, dihedral) Wait : Load unbalance Comm : Communication time (Vector Distr. Global {Sum,Brdcst}) List : Nonbond list generation time Integ : Time needed to integrate equations of motion Total : Total elapsed time Eff : Efficiency = speedup divided by number of nodes Speedup: Time for N nodes divided by time for one node.

Other HP workstations:

                1 node          2 nodes
HP/715-75        5.32 h          2.50 h
HP/712-60        7.94 h


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